1 Download your .shsh2 blob for iOS 12.2 extract the files and open up folder “noapnonce” and choose the latest or the only .shsh2 blob file, Open up your saved .shsh2 blob for iOS 12.2 using a text editor on your pc (for example Notepad++)
Now, iOS 12 is coming and have released to iOS 12 Public Beta 4/3/2/1, if you are interested in future jailbreak, or want to upgrade your iOS device to the old version from a lower firmware, or to downgrade to it from iOS 10.3.3+, don't miss to save SHSH2 blobs! How to Download and Save SHSH2 blobs on A12 for the iOS 12.4 Jailbreak. This includes iPhone XS Max, iPhone XR, iPhone XS and 2018 iPad Pro. Here you’ll find all the downloads required to save your SHSH2 blobs on iOS 12.4 for A12. The above tutorial hi I’m on iOS 9.3.3 and I want to update to iOS 11.3.1, I also have my shsh blobs for iOS 11.3.1 saved, I was wondering to to Upgrade/Restore to iOS 11.3.1 using my saved blobs, I don’t understand the tutorial, I need help please, thanks in advance 🙂 As stated before, the clock is ticking until iOS 10.1.1 is unsigned, so whilst this method will work in future to save all iOS firmware blobs which are then signed, you only have a little while to use this to save your iOS 10.1.1 .shsh2 files. Good luck, and let me There are reports that PanGu might soon release an iOS 10.3.1 jailbreak. If you are interested in jailbreaking your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch then you should save SHSH2 blobs of your device. Saving the SHSH blobs will make it possible for you to upgrade or u/F0lmer Thanks for the tutorial, will do this for my 8+ to move from iOS 11.3.1 to 12.1.1. A question though, in my apnonce folder for iOS 12.1.1 there are 4 shsh2 blobs. How do I know which is the right one to use? SHSH是對於更新系統的認證方式,當iOS要回復或是升級系統都會透過網路確認與Apple伺服器確認要回復的系統是否為最新版本,再認證同時就會有一組屬於自己設備的驗證碼
u/F0lmer Thanks for the tutorial, will do this for my 8+ to move from iOS 11.3.1 to 12.1.1. A question though, in my apnonce folder for iOS 12.1.1 there are 4 shsh2 blobs. How do I know which is the right one to use? SHSH是對於更新系統的認證方式,當iOS要回復或是升級系統都會透過網路確認與Apple伺服器確認要回復的系統是否為最新版本,再認證同時就會有一組屬於自己設備的驗證碼 Apple hat iOS 12 veröffentlicht (wir berichteten) und jetzt ist es an der Zeit die iOS 11.4.1 SHSH2 Blobs zu sichern. Wer einen Jailbreak für iOS 11.4.1 in Zukunft haben möchte oder später einmal ein Upgrade/Downgrade auf diese Version durchführen möchte, der ist Restore iOS 11.3.1 with SHSH BLOBS. upgrade or downgrade your iPhone firmware to iOS 11.3.1 using blobs. for this method, you have to have saved your blobs already. since iOS11.3.1 is no longer signed and Pwn20wnd release a tool that uses an exploit by Ian Yes, you do need to have blobs saved for this to work. Steps: Download iOS 11.3 beta 6 from The iPhone Wiki Downgrade with Option + Update (Mac) or Shift + Update (Windows) in iTunes. Install noncereboot1131UI, either the paid developer version or the free
hi I’m on iOS 9.3.3 and I want to update to iOS 11.3.1, I also have my shsh blobs for iOS 11.3.1 saved, I was wondering to to Upgrade/Restore to iOS 11.3.1 using my saved blobs, I don’t understand the tutorial, I need help please, thanks in advance 🙂 As stated before, the clock is ticking until iOS 10.1.1 is unsigned, so whilst this method will work in future to save all iOS firmware blobs which are then signed, you only have a little while to use this to save your iOS 10.1.1 .shsh2 files. Good luck, and let me There are reports that PanGu might soon release an iOS 10.3.1 jailbreak. If you are interested in jailbreaking your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch then you should save SHSH2 blobs of your device. Saving the SHSH blobs will make it possible for you to upgrade or u/F0lmer Thanks for the tutorial, will do this for my 8+ to move from iOS 11.3.1 to 12.1.1. A question though, in my apnonce folder for iOS 12.1.1 there are 4 shsh2 blobs. How do I know which is the right one to use? SHSH是對於更新系統的認證方式,當iOS要回復或是升級系統都會透過網路確認與Apple伺服器確認要回復的系統是否為最新版本,再認證同時就會有一組屬於自己設備的驗證碼 Apple hat iOS 12 veröffentlicht (wir berichteten) und jetzt ist es an der Zeit die iOS 11.4.1 SHSH2 Blobs zu sichern. Wer einen Jailbreak für iOS 11.4.1 in Zukunft haben möchte oder später einmal ein Upgrade/Downgrade auf diese Version durchführen möchte, der ist Restore iOS 11.3.1 with SHSH BLOBS. upgrade or downgrade your iPhone firmware to iOS 11.3.1 using blobs. for this method, you have to have saved your blobs already. since iOS11.3.1 is no longer signed and Pwn20wnd release a tool that uses an exploit by Ian
6 juil. 2018 Mettre à Jour vers iOS 11.3.1 après qu'Apple ait arrêté de le signer grâce à blobs. C'est donc idéal pour repasser à iOS 12.1.2 qui est le dernier à être jailbreakable. Renommez les en 'blobs.shsh2' et placez le dans le même dossier que FutureRestore Ou trouve ton 11.1.1 beta en download ?
也可檢查裡面都會存放SHSH2資料夾一共會分成六個,一定要完整存回來,後續在搭配降級工具才有作用。注意:在iOS 10.2、iOS 10.2.1 以上版本都僅剩下一個noapnonce資料夾裡面會有一個shsh2檔案問題,經詢問作者回應是正常現象,可將這個shsh2檔案透過 Now, iOS 12 is coming and have released to iOS 12 Public Beta 4/3/2/1, if you are interested in future jailbreak, or want to upgrade your iOS device to the old version from a lower firmware, or to downgrade to it from iOS 10.3.3+, don't miss to save SHSH2 blobs! How to Download and Save SHSH2 blobs on A12 for the iOS 12.4 Jailbreak. This includes iPhone XS Max, iPhone XR, iPhone XS and 2018 iPad Pro. Here you’ll find all the downloads required to save your SHSH2 blobs on iOS 12.4 for A12. The above tutorial hi I’m on iOS 9.3.3 and I want to update to iOS 11.3.1, I also have my shsh blobs for iOS 11.3.1 saved, I was wondering to to Upgrade/Restore to iOS 11.3.1 using my saved blobs, I don’t understand the tutorial, I need help please, thanks in advance 🙂 As stated before, the clock is ticking until iOS 10.1.1 is unsigned, so whilst this method will work in future to save all iOS firmware blobs which are then signed, you only have a little while to use this to save your iOS 10.1.1 .shsh2 files. Good luck, and let me